in Punta Alta, Buenos Aires district of the Argentine Republic, on November
16 of 1954. Telecomunications Engineer from La Plata National University (1979).
Assistent Professor of the Biomedical Engineering Institute of Buenos Aires
University(1980). There, worked in Digital Signal Processing research granted
by National Council for Scientits Research and Technology (CONICET). Worked
as initiation scholarship, intermediate and superior. Taken part in a lot
of seminars, workshops and technical papers. In 1985 y 1987, member of the
Organizer Committee for the Second Worshop on Information Processing. Assistent
researcher from CONICET (1986 - 1988). Member of the Center for Informatics,
Computers and Information Processing, Buenos Aires University (1986 - 1987).
Taken part in software development projects in petrol exploration and biomedical
instrumentation. From 1994 to 1999 worked as mentor in software development
for the following companies, Consultorio Neurológico Ferrero, Berger
SA., Fundación Arauz de Argentina, Divisadero Canal 3 de TV de Gral.
Madariaga, Entretenimientos Monte Grande y Telnet Electrónica SRL.
Senior programmer and coordinator in Tyssa (Telecomunicaciones y Sistemas,
Telefónica group) (1999). Between 2001 and 2003, was
member of the development group at the Swiss company Logismata.
At present, project manager of the development group at the
Idea-Factory-Software. Teaching object oriented design and programming; works
in mentoring for software projects in instrumentation, digital signal processing
and information management.