Guillermo Pantaleo

Version en Espaniol 

The purpose of this website is to promote my professional activity. The interested ones in mentoring for software development and courses contact:  

Technology A short description of my professional background

Who taught me

Students Whom I taught
Courses My academic offer
Land The place where I was born
Home The place where I live
Loves A glance to my beloved
Poetry Some words








News Visit us



Programming languages

Fortran 77, Pascal, Ensamblador, C, C++, Java

Software development methods

Structured System Design, Unified Software Development Process (UML), Design Patterns, Extreme Programming
Digital Signal Processing Spectral Estimation , System Identification , Parameters Estimation, Digital Filters.



Methods for Software Development, Object Oriented Design, Design Patterns, Object Oriented Programming, Software for Instrumentation, Software for Digital Signal Processing.



The C++ Object Model Language C++
The Java Object Model Language Java
Object Oriented Design Design Patterns
The Software Development Process Analysis and proposals for software development
Patterns of Enterprise Applications Architecture Design - Enterprise Architecture



Projects detailed list



Papers detailed list

A new software design pattern: Programmer's Atitude

Human factor in the software development process.(to be published )



Programmer's stories: A box to my software

Stories to be published
Programmer's stories: Who is ? Where is ? ... my stakeholder Stories to be published.
Programmer's stories: An indian in Buenos Aires             Stories to be published.

Programmer's stories: CMM, ¿ capability maturity model or chantas marketing merchandise ?


Stories to be published.

Programmer's stories: Interface's aspects         Stories to be published
Programmer's stories: The C...M software model      Stories to be published



Courses detailed list

Software Architecture Undergraduate subject, Computation Department , FIUBA.



Books bncvbn
"Digital Signal Processing", Prentice Hall A. Oppenheim, R. Shaffer
"Adaptive Filter Theory", Prentice Hall Simon Haykin
"Estimation theory with applications to communications and control", Mc Graw Hill A. Sage, J. Melsa
"Probabilidad, variables aleatorias y procesos estocasticos", Mc Graw Hill Athanasios Papoulis 
"The Design and Evolution of C++" y "The C++ programming language", Addison Wesley Bjarne Strostrup
"Effective C++" y  "More Effective C++", Addison Wesley. Scott Meyers
"Inside the C++ object Model", Addison Wesley Stanley Lippman
"Design Patterns", Addison Wesley E. Gamma, R. Helm, R.Johnson, J. Vlissides
"Object Oriented C++ applications using the Booch Method", Addison Wesley Robert C. Martin
"Object Oriented Analysis and Design with applications", The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.  Grady Booch
"Code Complete", Microsoft Press Steve McDonnell
"Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture" Martin Fowler


Links cvbncvb Object Oriented Software Programming Open source software development
Comp.lang.c++ C++ programming Java programming Smalltalk programming


Visitor number : 4666

© Guillermo Pantaleo, 2002.